Thursday, 20 June 2019

Warner Bros Releasing Harry Potter and the Cursed Child film in 2020 and want Daniel Radcliffe return

Two years ago, rumors around the Harry Potter universe were enough to make fans lose their heads. He even thought that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child would come out at the cinema in the course of 2020. And then one of the Warner representatives had clearly silenced the gossip by stating clearly and simply that the continuation of the saga would be in the form " a play, without any plan to make a film of it ".

JK Rowling herself does not consider following the adaptation of her work elsewhere than on the boards:

“As for Harry, I think I told all the stories I wanted to tell. In the epilogue at the end of the 7th book, it's obvious that the story turns on Harry's son, Albus. And with the play, we have developed its story as it should be. Go further, and follow the fate of Harry Potter's grandchildren for example, it would be really cynical of me. I do not care.”

The only glimmer of hope that remains is finally the statement of the interpreter of Harry Potter himself. At Radio Times, in 2017, Daniel Radcliffe had indeed explained not to dismiss the possibility of taking over the role that made him known in 2001:

“It all depends on the script. But the circumstances should be quite exceptional. I'm sure Garrison Ford said he never wanted to play Han Solo again and look where he is! So, for the moment, I say no, but I do not exclude to resume this role in the future.”

But in the end, it is well JK Rowling and Warner who lead the dance, and they seem more than ever determined to be content with the huge worldwide success of the play Harry Potter and the Child Cursed.

And then they have not finished to exploit the universe of the franchise in the cinema. The Fantastic Animals 2 will be released on November 14 - 3 suites are already in the pipes - and a 4K version of Harry Potter at the wizard school is even scheduled for September 12 in our dark rooms.

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